The Xcriptions platform by A.R.G. Healthcare Solutions offers a secure mobile solution to medical dictation and transcription. It eliminates the need for a healthcare provider to be in an office, or even at a computer, to do everyday tasks. With this service, providers are able to dictate, edit, upload and approve their notes on any Internet accessible iTunes or Android device.FREE TRIAL PERIOD AVAILABLE
How it works
Xcriptions offers a simple solution to complete the transcription process from note dictation all the way through billing. The step-by-step system is presented in an easy-to-use interface, and allows doctors and administrators to remain in sync through the process. Each of the steps can be done anywhere at any time through a smartphone or Internet enabled device.
$appointment= apply_filters(‘the_content’, $appointmentpage->post_content);
echo $appointment;
$dictatepage = apply_filters(‘the_content’, $dictate->post_content);
echo $dictatepage;
$uploadpage = apply_filters(‘the_content’, $upload->post_content);
echo $uploadpage;
$reviewpage = apply_filters(‘the_content’, $review->post_content);
echo $reviewpage;
$approvepage = apply_filters(‘the_content’, $approve->post_content);
echo $approvepage;
$recordpage = apply_filters(‘the_content’, $record->post_content);
echo $recordpage;
Why Xcriptions?
The Xcriptions platform can help your practice on many levels. All of which can improve efficiency,
quality and reduce operating expenses.
Secure and HIPAA compliant:
It is no secret that security and HIPAA compliance are major factors affecting the healthcare industry. Xcriptions goes beyond secure and encrypted; it is completely HIPAA compliant.
You don’t take a one-size fits all approach to your patient’s care, and we know there is no one-size fits all solution to dictation and transcription solutions. That’s why we offer multiple approaches and ways to subscribe. We can even work with your current transcription service to integrate parts of the Xcriptions platform.
State-of-the-art and portable:
Society is moving a mile a minute, and information is being shared digitally, through smart phones and other devices at an astounding rate. Why should medical transcription services be any different?
Simple and efficient:
Current dictation platforms tend to be inefficient and wasteful. The Xcriptions platform eliminates wasted time and money by offering plans and solutions that work for your practice. With dictation, editing, uploading and approving capabilities on the go, all included in plans that will work for your practice, you will spend less time behind a computer and more time with patients.
Reduce operating costs and improve quality:
In the current healthcare environment it is important to find ways to improve quality while reducing costs. The Xcriptions platform does just that.
$securepage = apply_filters(‘the_content’, $secure->post_content);
echo $securepage;
$versatilepage = apply_filters(‘the_content’, $versatile->post_content);
echo $versatilepage;
$portablepage = apply_filters(‘the_content’, $portable->post_content);
echo $portablepage;
$efficientpage = apply_filters(‘the_content’, $efficient->post_content);
echo $efficientpage;
$costpage = apply_filters(‘the_content’, $cost->post_content);
echo $costpage;
ARG Resell Partners
Since Xcriptions is a mobile, Internet-based dictation and transcription solution, healthcare organizations across the country can benefit from using the product. To help us expand our geographic reach, we work with partners who can resell our product and services in conjunction with their own.
Benefits of being a Resell Partner:
- Provide added value to your current and prospective customers
- Offer more comprehensive services to your customers
- You can resell three different A.R.G. dictation/transcription solutions based on your product or service and your customers’ needs.
- Full technology platform: software and A.R.G.’s transcription team
- Software platform: software only
- Transcription service: A.R.G. transcription team only
- Expand the marketability of your product or service
Example: If you are an EMR provider, you can market Xcriptions’ ability to seamlessly integrate dictated notes directly into patient records